Blood glucose testing memory station

The blood glucose testing memory station was designed by Adrian at Safire to assist people that have trouble remembering how to do things but have to regularly take their blood glucose level readings due to diabetes or similar…

Blood Glucose testing memory station

Follow the instructions, one by one

With the placard that has simple numbered instructions and pictures you can take the step by step actions to ensure your doing the test correctly.

Follow the pictures as well

As well as simple instructions we have printed pictures of each process, so it is clear to see and know what to do.

Do as instructed...

By following the instructions one by one you can be assured your doing the right thing as in this case of inserting the lancet

Thats it, perfect results!

By following all the instructions on the printed board it will help you to remember the process so you get the correct results each and every time!

What you get with this kit for the Wavesense Jazz (as pictured)

This kit for the Wavesense Jazz (as pictured) and comes with the main plastic holder made from a 3d printed black nylon and chopped carbon fiber plastic that is very tough, it has a built in clamp on the back to clamp to the free standing base (not pictured) or if you wanted you can clamp it onto a 19mm diameter tube like a lamp stand or similar next to a chair as seen in these pictures. It is also supplied with a laser printed instruction card (as pictured) that is laminated and mounted to a stiff back board.

If your kit is not exactly the same as in the pictures shown here, we offer a customized option as an upgrade on our online store.

Blood Glucose testing reminder station

The kit comes complete with the simple instructions and holds the main products of the Blood Glucose testing kit. (as pictured)
We have highlighted the main areas of this kit in the picture above.

Designed and built by Safire to help

 This kit is ideal for people that have to take blood glucose readings but have memory issues, memory loss, alzheimer’s disease or similar memory issues /problems.
It is designed to make an important process easy to do each and every time.

A 3d printed design by Safire

This unit is designed for the WaveSense JAZZ blood Glucose testing kit and has been 3d printed using a special material that is a combination of nylon and chopped carbon fiber that makes it a tough hard wearing product by Safire.
